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Learning MySQL Part 1: Understanding MySQL and MySQL Excess

He began learning tutorial on MySQL, the MySQL Tutorial this time we will discuss about the understanding of MySQL and MySQL advantages when compared to other database applications. MySQL popularity not only because it is free, but it also is a database application that can be paired with any other paid database applications, such as Oracle and Microsoft SQL Server.

MySQL's popularity is also due MySQL is one of the standards in the development of web applications, along with the Apache Web Server, and PHP programming language.

Understanding MySQL as RDBMS
For students and web developers, when talking about databases, are likely to talk about MySQL. But why should MySQL? What about Oracle? Answer short, dense and right are: a free and user friendly.
MySQL is one of the applications RDBMS (Relational Database Management System). RDBMS is a simple understanding: database applications that use relational principles. What is the principle of relational? We will talk in the next tutorial.

MySQL is also not the only one RDBMS, the full list is on wikipedia. Among the better-known are: Oracle, Sybase, Microsoft Access, Microsoft SQL Server, and PostgreSQL.

MySQL is free and open source. This means that everyone should use and develop this application. However, although free, MySQL support by thousands of programmers from around the world, and is a complete RDBMS applications, fast, and reliable.

Here are some of the advantages of MySQL compared with other RDBMS:
A study from eWeek in February 2002 which compared the performance speed of MySQL with other RDBMS, such as Microsoft SQL Server 2000, IBM DB2, Oracle 9i and Sybase:
"MySQL has the best overall performance and scalability of MySQL that Oracle matches ... MySQL had the highest throughput, even exceeding the numbers generated by Oracle."

Which is translated as, MySQL has more speed than its competitors paid. For those of you want to read the paper, available on the MySQL site

Usually something free hard dependable, even many bugs and often hangs. Not so with MySQL, because it is open source, anyone can contribute bug check and do the test case for a variety of scenarios that require 24-hour online system, multi-user and the data of hundreds GB. As a result, RDBMS MySQL is reliable but has above-average performance.

MySQL can process extremely large data sets and complex, without losing too much performance, also supports multi-processor systems. MySQL is also used by major companies in the world, such as Epson, the New York Times, Wikipedia, Google, Facebook, and even NASA.

user Friendly
Installation and learn MySQL is quite easy and does not mess around with a lot of settings. Simply download the application and install MySQL, we can use MySQL in less than 5 minutes (assuming no blackout).

Portability and Standard Compliance
MySQL database can be easily moved from one operating system to another operating system. For example from Windows to Linux systems. MySQL applications can run on any operating system Linux, OpenBSD operating system (Mac OS X, FreeBSD), Windows operating system (Windows 2000, Windows NT, Windows 7) and RTOS (QNX).

Multiuser Support
By implementing a client-server architecture. Thousands of users can access the MySQL database at the same time.

Or in plain language, supports a variety of languages. With its full support for Unicode, then non-Latin characters such as Japanese, Chinese, and Korean can be used in MySQL.

Wide Application Support
Usually the RDBMS database is not used alone, but accompanied by an application or other programming languages ​​to provide an interface, such as C, C ++, C #, Java, Delphi, Visual Basic, Perl Python and PHP. All of it supported by an API (Application Programming Interface) by MySQL.

Open Source Code
We also can (if capable of and understand), develop MySQL by studying its program code. MySQL was developed in C and C ++. In fact, there are already a variety of flavors were developed from the new RDBMS MySQL code, including: Drizzle, MariaDB, Percona Server and OurDelta.

A few of the advantages of understanding and MySQL, as well as the reasons why MySQL is more widely used and popular among web programmer. But if we ask the employees of large enterprise IT companies, they might mention Oracle or Microsoft SQL Server as RDBMS favorites.

For the next tutorial, we will discuss the history and future of MySQL, if the purchase of MySQL by Oracle makes MySQL is no longer free and is free to use?
The next in Learning MySQL Tutorial: The History and Future of MySQL.

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